Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In the end, You're Blue.

So I've had a pretty odd day. Receiving several surprises, one including my supervisor calling me a whore cause we have music on our bell and then listening to him impersonate a bell buzzing for nearly ten minutes. New instrument!!! I don't know what it is, but I'm excited, within the next two months it shall be mine!!! Lemme explain, it's like a clarinet, the fingerings are very much the same, but it's made of silver and it doesn't come apart into pieces. It's like a soprano sax, but well like I said, the clarinet features... So for now I call it a saxinet. Lmao at work, my supervisor is DUMB. OK I'm seriously the brains behind all this, I mean he's the supervisor yet I outwit him get to the till first and make him do the grunt work, not exactly a smart cookie. I was explaining the mechanics of Mary had a Little Lamb to him in a series of sung Duts when he says to me...

Him : Purple (how fitting) Me: blue (equally suiting)

"Wait there's no Dut in Mary had a little lamb, it's about Mary, not Dut, got it straight?"

"Dut is a homosexual, I don't think he's got it straight"

"The hell with that!"

"He's also catholic!"

"Then he can burn with Satan!"

"Would you believe he's a catholic Satanist?"


Poor kid, he's so dumb....and deaf for that matter, and yet somehow he has a girlfriend *shakes head* OK now perhaps I should write something of interest? But honestly do I have anything interesting to write...

Other than about my awesome tinfoil hat protecting me from dem shpace deenosawers... Oh my god!!! My room!!! I've left it unprotected!!! They could be getting into my stas-- I mean.... *runs upstairs and tapes coat hangers to the ceiling, and reappears in giant tinfoil suit* Aha ha! Take that!!! *throws rose thorns in general direction of pizza hut while hovering over the sea of banana peels*

See my vivid imagination is at work again, one of these days it's going to get me in a lot of trouble, I should know better, I mean what if I accidentally stumbled onto some thing's dastardly plot to purge the earth of all life my mind would be wiped blan--

I love you my darling! *blows kisses at palm tree* And one for you too!!! *spins in circles while avoiding hot coal beds* OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!? *stares at sky as space dinosaur flies over* Oh no!!! Me tinfoil hat!!! *breaks down sobbing*

*Wakes 4000 years later and steps out of cryogenic freezer only to discover all of earths oxygen has been converted to liquid nitrogen, and that after all that toil, one could not breathe.*

*Turns blue (er) and dies*

Friday, March 23, 2007

Late nights?

Well here I am sitting up at the computer around midnight. I just woke up from a yummy 5 hour nap which I very much enjoyed but I'm kinda upset that I won't be getting much sleep because of the cursed nap. Oh well. Now I need to think of something articulate to say, other than I feel like nachos. Which I very much do, I'm so hungry, I missed dinner cause I was sleeping. So I think when I'm done posting whatever random crap I can think of. I'm getting nachos...

oh I feel a rant coming on.

Now you see I only post because I'm a slave to society and god knows they don't do anything for me, so then I wonder, if they do nothing for me, should I still exist. I have come to the conclusion that, no, I should not exist, they should have killed me by now. What with all those secret organisations plotting against us, it's a wonder the world hasn't been purged and raped by giant space dinosaurs. God. But something keeps them from doing so. I think it's that some of us have stumbled upon their secrets and spread them like fleas spread the black death. They don't like that. They track us down and eventually we cease to exist. Sure I may be writing this now, but you'll see they'll come for me and soon I will vanish like a whisper upon a wrathful wind. This is my last hope to get the knowledge out into the world before it's too late! Ah! Some one just knocked on the door? Dare I answer in this state of paranoia? No. *Puts on tinfoil hat* AHAHAHA! Read my thoughts and track me down now!!!

... I still feel like nachos.
I think I should be a science fiction writer. I don't think I've ever really attempted a good sci- fi... or a sci-fi rant at that. But I don't think that there are too many people who have. Is that sci-fi anyways? I think the concept might be, but in all reality I have no idea. Therefore I shall label it sci - fi.

Dare I say anything about my life? Nah nothing special has happened... perhaps after band camp this weekend there shall be a bit more to report. Reminding me that I still have to get my nachos and make my awesome lunch for tomorrow (consisting of less than awesome stuff, although I might go for cold rice). Well then I think I shall do that and watch some TV until I'm tired enough to go back to sleep, or you know I could just induce sleep, but what fun is that?

Night all.

By the by, Steph did you enjoy the rosy pinkness of this posty ici?

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Siege of Boredom

Health. What a dull subject. So today I decided that during health I would work on my ELA, a much more interesting subject. I love ELA (English Language arts for you non french type people). Anyways the assignment was to get 12 words out of a long list of gay words that we have to learn how to spell into a story that can range anywhere from 200 to 300 words. This took me...15 minutes approx, I hope you enjoy the retardedness of my mind.

Once there was an old man who was having a boring day. And then it happened. A bird dived out of nowhere and stole his left sandal.

“Whatever shall I do?” He moaned as he wrapped the other sandal in a handkerchief and shoved it into his pocket. “The day of remembrance is tomorrow and I have to get new shoes!”

Just then his missing sandal flew like a missile over his head, incidentally imitating the bird.

The old man made a desperate attempt to run after his airborne sandal, when he tripped upon a patch of broccoli causing him to loose several teeth.

“Dratted broccoli, just for that for that I shall barbeque you and turn you into chili!” He screamed, as he threw a head shaped cantaloupe at the dastardly patch of emerald broccoli.

After his lack of success while trying to catch his fleeting sandal and tormenting the patch broccoli he was in a foul mood and highly irascible. He flew into a rage and screamed complete gibberish about sandals and broccoli, until the paramedics came took him away to the nut house. He was then given a pretty white jacket and lived broccoli and sandal free for the rest of his days.

The bolded words are the words I had to include in my story. Anyways... I now have to go and complete a 5 hour shift at work...after being at school all day (7-2:39) Gross eh? Well yeah I'd add more detail to my post but I just can't today.

I'd also like to add I cut my hair. All by myself, cause I wanted a hair cut and didn't have any money my mom is paying to get it touched up. If you ever want your parents to pay for something, do it yourself first in a way that they'll despise.... I kinda like it this way, lol i can't see very well though... it's almost emo bangs ahahaha!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am Your Rock

To me everyone does turn
In hopes I can help ease their pain
No one ever seems to learn
Never have I been truly sane

It hurts to see your despair
As your eyes overflow with tears
I tell you how much I care
And try to rid you of your fears

What about my depression
Lurking inside my troubled mind
Suppressing my aggression
Biting my lip and being kind

It's not easy like you think
To live everyday in a haze
Just to live on the very brink
Thinking in self destructive ways

I cling to my hated life
To avoid hurting those I love
Pain cutting me like a knife
Sacrifice I never dreamed of

Not as strong as you believe
I still rest in a state of shock
But I manage to deceive
I collapse now, I am your rock


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Green Vegetables and Manslaughter

Voccabiblaiery, yeah that's right you heard me...

Skipping in outdoor ed. I thought that said masterbation...since when did I put that there. Its bright outside. I was sad to see it snow...and then i wrote something else under it. Ew you put "E's" on everything. *gasp* Chili is a very spicy food. Do-ing do-ing do-ing...AHAHAHA Chili, coooolll-is- seee- um. Backspace? No backspace.There thay are all standing in an oopsies. *makes inaudible noises.* Whats an encyclodictionalmanacapedia? How do you shpell that? Brrrrrring!!! Shot up. Frrront accent using a verd. oh its a lock. lock - ness monster. Thriller. Come cumcum...wangdiddle. Incidentally I wore a tutu this morning. What? I did?

~ The brilliant *cough* mind of Stephanie Pan.

And that's a summary of everything I heard within 10 minutes of English Language Arts.

Hmm my day wasn't anything interesting to speak of, other than the horrendous noise I learned how to make on a sax. For anyone out there who can play sax, this is the most annoying sound I think that's possible to make. Hold down your low "C" fingering, and then move your "F" finger. (First one on the know your pointer finger?) And it makes...interesting sounds, get a sax and try it I dare you.

Well other than that I have nothing else to say about my day other than I fucking hate my FLA teacher and Will stop at nothing to see her dead. Fuck, it should not be legal to give this much homework, and I have to go to work the next two days. I am NOT impressed. This is bull shit.

Well I'm off to work on my fucking FLA project, so yeah if you have no homework and would like to express this sentiment to me you can take it and shove it.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Well, the past few weeks have been a wild ride. Hectic, almost. Extreme highs, and rock bottoms within the course of two weeks can leave oneself exhausted. I mean honestly the trauma is insane. I suppose it all started Tuesday the 20th of February.

On Tuesday I attended an early morning rehearsal for jazz, which went swimmingly, the next day our jazz band competed in festival which we just found out we won a gold award. Yay. The next day was a Thursday, where I had an early morning rehearsal for concert band which went less swimmingly as hoped, and a rehearsal in the evening for CRUB, which was fantastic as usual.

Friday there was no school but I had to go anyways cause our concert band was competing in Festival, we haven't got the results yet, but I doubt that we did as good as jazz, and then yet another CRUB rehearsal in the evening, where we started blocking our show.

Saturday was interesting. I have an evil chart (I'm going to say #3 but it could be #2) I hate sliding. It's evil. Blocking is loads of fun, even if people *cough David cough* are running into you and you're missing steps and whatnot. I have discovered the guys at band can be cruel. My knees are terrible, that I have also deduced. Saturday left me exhausted, and Sunday was pretty much the same, with a little less marching...and less marching space, thus forth resulting me walking into a window, lovely. Sunday evening I tried downhill skiing for the first time. Steph was scarred for life, I on the other hand had a great time...almost killed myself (scarring Steph) but still I will never forget that day.

Monday pissed me off, because we got our High School forms. I hate myself for my choices but that's OK. I think I'll live. I have decided to do partial IB French immersion Fine Arts. Yes I know, ambitious. At the time though I freaked, and completely snapped into a rut of depression, because of WAY too much stress (I was already on overload, and then that happened). Tuesday and Wednesday are a blur, I remember nothing outside of my thoughts of confusion, and too much pain Tylenol, therefore I remember NOTHING that happened those two days, except that somewhere in there our school band got two new pieces of music, both of which are gay... cause it's concert band, and tenor sax doesn't get parts in concert band lol. Thursday was another CRUB rehearsal, blue night, I was very blue, only on the outside cause by then I was feeling a bit better about everything. That night in a very calm manner I decided my high school courses once and for all. Friday was gay as hell. End of sentence.

Saturday was interesting well the evening half. I was at home all day until about 6:30pm, then I attended a dance. Normally I hate dances but this one wasn't so bad, so I shan't complain. I was pretty optimistic when all was said and done.

Which brings us to today. After sleeping 4 hours and getting kicked out of bed, I went out to the country. I had a lovely walk in the valley, where it was at least +15 I swear it was just gorgeous, and then an also lovely walk up on top of the mountain. Where it was cold as hell and windy. My ears kept popping, it was pleasant. The view was amazing, my kingdom for a camera. But alas, no, just an image burned into my skull. Somewhere in these few hours I managed to sprain my ankle... again. This is time #3 for this ankle. I don't think it can handle the abuse anymore. It's going to get up and go on strike. 3 times in a year. That's sad. So yes I am now in pain, tired, and in need of ice, oh well. It'll be better in a weekish so I hope. Anyways I thought I'd update my life cause I had a few spare moments. I now have to go to sleep because I have to get up in the morning bright and early for a jazz rehearsal. YAY NEW MUSIC. I hope there's another tenor solo *crosses fingers* Meh even if there isn't I'm still excited, wow I live for band.

Good night!