Saturday, December 23, 2006

La Dernière Nuit De Ma Vie

C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
Quand le soleil élevera je serai mort
C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
J'espère que la nuit sera court

C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
Il y a un trou dans mon coeur noir
C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
Je serai mort à la fin de ce soir

C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
La morte va arriver en l'heure
C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
Dans mon âme il y a du bonheur

C'est la dernière nuit de ma vie
Le soleil est sur l'horizon
C'était la dernière nuit de ma vie
Je suis morte pour n'importequel raison.


Serendipity said...

Bonjour. Merci d'être passée sur mon blog... Ce poème est beau mais vraiment triste surtout si cette dernière nuit est la nuit du réveillon de Noël. Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël et je vous promets de passer régulièrement sur vos blogs.

StephJP said...

Omg hey josi!!!

Serendipity is apparently named Stephanie too (awesome name, awesome...)

Joi Grey said...

I can't dis the name stephanie cause it belongs to you and you're nice...and im trying to be nice. so yeah thats spiffy

( Je ne peux pas dire des mauvaise choses qui appartient au nom "Stephanie" Car le nom Stephanie appartient à vous, et vous etes gentilles, et maintenant j'essaies d'etre gentille...alors...oui c'est bon)

thats as close to a translation i get

(C'est la plus bonne translation je peux faire)

StephJP said...

haha. I laugh at you. Haha *laugh*

I bet in like 3 years if you still have this blog and you read your french you'll cringe major time!!! lol

But that's like this poem, I guess.

Joi Grey said...

LMAO yeah I know. Seeing as I wrote this poem last year, when I found the original copy of it... I almost died laughing...but you want to know something even creepier? Ok this may startle you. Remember in gr7 when we did that project on Japan? With the menus and flying to Kyoto and costs and stuff? Well you'll never guess where I found it. It was in one of my drawers (as in cabinet perv). And I took it out and at first said "Garbage" Then I decided to read it *shudders* I almost decided to sit there and correct it...but then thought that would look obsessive compulsive and decided against umm yeah I did keep it though, if you want to read it... although I doubt you do. It would burn your eyes out... the drawings on it are nice though.

StephJP said...

HAHA the drawings are nice? You make me giggle.


No thanks, I'll pass on the reading (eh heh heh) thing (double eh heh heh). But I bet it'll be hilarious.

Joi Grey said...

I'll force it upon you (my turn to laugh) but umm yeah stop perverting the words it's not nice. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. But umm yeah YOU HAVE TO READ IT OR SUFFER THE CONCEQUENCES...AND MY WRATH!!!!!

StephJP said...

Ok I'm sorry. I miss everybody. Why does Toronto have to be so far away?!?!

Hey! You totally should come visit me! lol that'd be cool.

I could show you my family!

Woah...I just forgot how to spell family. Is that how you spell that? I hate when this happens.

Joi Grey said...

No offense if your family is anything like your dad, I don't want to meet them. And as gay as this sounds this is a good way to remember how to spell "family". You can think of it as an anogram and say like "Father And Mother I Love You" and all those add up to "family" so yeah that's how I remember that. I learned it in grade 1 lmao for a spelling test... I was a little cheater I was.