Sunday, December 24, 2006

So this is Christmas

"And so this is Christmas, and what have you done, another year over, and a new one just begun."

~ Happy Xmas by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Now those were some enlightened people. That's exactly how it feels. What have you done? There's not many people who can come up with a good answer to that is there? I mean sure you've accomplished a few things, and yeah you may think that you've changed the world even, but in hindsight you're just another person who thinks they've done the world some good... not saying that you haven't but I mean honestly we're all gonna die eventually and when we do, well you can't take anything with you. The true meaning of Christmas is lost. It's so commercialised that we've distorted the perception of today's' youth. They think it's about getting... I want, I want, I want... but really it's about giving and being with family and friends. Put aside your selfishness and just concentrate on being in the moment. Enjoy your time here cause it fades fast.

And that was my Christmas rant. You may or may not agree with me. But that's how I see it... and I mean if you think about it... it's true.

On that note I wish everyone happy holidays, for whichever faith or religion you may come from... Love thy neighbor, and peace on earth...etc


Kim said...

Yay! Christmas! That was quite a deep rant, compared to mine (stupid starwars buttons). I'm commenting cause its fun, and I think its super neat that you're putting your writing stuff on here. Hooray for random blogs!

Joi Grey said...

yes random blogs own all! And it's not that deep but really I enjoy having a place to write my random know a place where everyone can see what I'm really thinking. And starwars kicks! So yeah don't dis your star wars ranting cause I like it.

StephJP said...

Josi! *pounce*

Ahem...I'm currently in Toronto and at a cousin's house. No, not that cousin, a different cousin. She speaks french *gives thumbs up*

Well, me likes your blog. Not that I read any of it...XD i'll do it later!

Joi Grey said...

steph you suck! and you know what i mean lmao jk i love you. Not in the creepy way either... thanks.... when do you get back?

StephJP said...

I get backy on the...seventhy.

Of January(ee).

...Please say we didn't have any homework. If we did, I'm not doing it. Well, I finished my IB registration (did I spell that right?) form. All I need now is the refrence letter from M. Langlois or somebody and attach my marks and PRESTO! Instant IB gratification.

Well, hopefully.

Joi Grey said...

Registration is spelled right just so you know. Get a letter from Mr. Predy he's the best for that cause he totally floods the compliments and stuff so yeah, he'll flatter you. I can't believe you dont get back 'till the 7th of January! You suck (I state this once again) So you won't even be back until school starts *sticks out tounge* COME BACK I'M SO BORED WITHOUT YOU!

StephJP said...

I must say, I'm flattered! Josi stooping down to say she's bored without me? My, I feel special. I need to go splash some water on my face or something.

And I've already asked the Predicate. He said to ask my highest marking teacher, and he's not it.

Joi Grey said...

Meh he's not mine either but he wrote mine. I like him best anyways plus he wrote that I was a very good student and all that jazz. Oh and he wrote about my jazz playing too lol. MR. PREDY WE LOVE YOU!!!! Yes we're a problem with us? lmao