Friday, March 23, 2007

Late nights?

Well here I am sitting up at the computer around midnight. I just woke up from a yummy 5 hour nap which I very much enjoyed but I'm kinda upset that I won't be getting much sleep because of the cursed nap. Oh well. Now I need to think of something articulate to say, other than I feel like nachos. Which I very much do, I'm so hungry, I missed dinner cause I was sleeping. So I think when I'm done posting whatever random crap I can think of. I'm getting nachos...

oh I feel a rant coming on.

Now you see I only post because I'm a slave to society and god knows they don't do anything for me, so then I wonder, if they do nothing for me, should I still exist. I have come to the conclusion that, no, I should not exist, they should have killed me by now. What with all those secret organisations plotting against us, it's a wonder the world hasn't been purged and raped by giant space dinosaurs. God. But something keeps them from doing so. I think it's that some of us have stumbled upon their secrets and spread them like fleas spread the black death. They don't like that. They track us down and eventually we cease to exist. Sure I may be writing this now, but you'll see they'll come for me and soon I will vanish like a whisper upon a wrathful wind. This is my last hope to get the knowledge out into the world before it's too late! Ah! Some one just knocked on the door? Dare I answer in this state of paranoia? No. *Puts on tinfoil hat* AHAHAHA! Read my thoughts and track me down now!!!

... I still feel like nachos.
I think I should be a science fiction writer. I don't think I've ever really attempted a good sci- fi... or a sci-fi rant at that. But I don't think that there are too many people who have. Is that sci-fi anyways? I think the concept might be, but in all reality I have no idea. Therefore I shall label it sci - fi.

Dare I say anything about my life? Nah nothing special has happened... perhaps after band camp this weekend there shall be a bit more to report. Reminding me that I still have to get my nachos and make my awesome lunch for tomorrow (consisting of less than awesome stuff, although I might go for cold rice). Well then I think I shall do that and watch some TV until I'm tired enough to go back to sleep, or you know I could just induce sleep, but what fun is that?

Night all.

By the by, Steph did you enjoy the rosy pinkness of this posty ici?


StephJP said...

Oh yes. The fleshy rose coloured postings of your delightful evenings always make me feel so happy. Huh.

NACHOS! I haven't had non-stale nachos for a while now. It's really gross when they get all stale and not-so-nummie tasting. Oh, how I mourn for a bag of nachos.

*eats lunch consisting of tasty chicken noodle soup and tasty x2 sandwich*

Wow, I think my brother is singing the Superman song in the room beside mine. Must go shut him up. *puts on tinfoil hat* Ha, let's see dem space deenosores get mebrains now.

*stalks out of room* (Way to make a statement, Steph, way to go.)

Joi Grey said...

You know I never got those nachos... Instead I had to settle for some cerial, ick. I really wanted nachos. Ahaha, yes tinfoil hats rule the world, while the space dinosaurs rule the rest of the galaxy, keep your tinfoil hat near you at all times... but poke holes in it for airation, cause if you don't... things could get a little nasty in your hat... it gets all hot and sweaty.

Joi Grey said...

Wow in contrast Nico (for once) made a bit more sense than Steph, this day...will go down in history, and you'll see 4000 years from now, it could be you stepping out of that freezer.