Monday, April 16, 2007

Silly Love songs?

Well it's 1:09, and there's nothing to do. So I feel like channelling everything I think into one blog post. I doubt any of this will make sense. There is no order to my thoughts to don't discern yourself and create one.

Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly, awesome violin. I love his voice, it's so beautiful. I wish I lived in the 60's. My shirt is pink and has Tinkerbell on it with some cheer leading reference. Take that David. Wow my hands are covered in scars. I hear laundry. BEEP BEEP. Oh minor chords... tension. Astronomy Divine. Mm mm tasty song. If I fell into unconsciousness would you be the first thing I see when I wake up? No you wouldn't. I wouldn't wake up. Do we really need a plan? I hear people moving upstairs. Oh my, that's troublesome. When is the window open to cornflakes? Who the hell is sneaking around! I own this house after midnight! No one should be moving unless I say so. I'm too lazy to investigate... I think it's just the dog... and the laundry. I should go and take a shower but I have to make sure my parents are asleep first. Not all acrostic poems suck.

Try and get through to me.

Only then will you see.

Really, nothing is there.

Nothing more than despair.

Even syllables and it rhymes. Eat it. There's a legend that once said that bread would rule the Earth. I intend to defy that legend. I'm not sure if it's the sugar, caffeine or pain in my right knee cap talking but I think you're sexy. I have large teeth. They scare me and hurt if I accidentally or purposely bite myself. I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here...

I don't think writing more would be wise. I might cause someones head to explode.


StephJP said...

Perhaps I should read your post before I comment on it. Mm. Leek soup is good, especially with chocolate. And a spoon. Musn't forget the spoon.

I'll read this later. Like, after dance. Late. Like what my science pages will be.

StephJP said...

Ok, update! I've read your post and my science pages WEREN'T late. (Thanks Kim for the advice!)

Oh my god, I can actually follow your thoughts. I know all those songs you were quoting as well...

Save me.

Joi Grey said...

Sometimes I think I quote songs too much. But then again that's what makes me so darn cool. Jesus fuck, scary movie 2 is on *sigh* poor innocent children watching TV are going to be scarred for life.

StephJP said...

Scary movies always remind me of 2 litre pop bottles. I have no idea why, I mean, come on, why should movies that scare people remind one of a sugary carbonated liquid?

*smiles innocently*

Good memories I shall never forget.

And I've found that whatever somebody asks me I can almost always answer back with a line of song or something...and if all else fails, I Am The Walrus will do.

Hehe, powerpoint...