Monday, July 30, 2007

Keep in Touch.

I miss you.

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.

You are my life, my lover, my nemesis, my friend, my confident, my relative, my sister, my brother, my heart break, the glue that keeps me together, the pins in my eyes, the thing devouring my very soul, the soothing rain that saves me, my life blood, my tears, my smile, my everything.

Please, I don't want to let go.

I know one day I have to, but why now?

This is for the people I love, the people I hate and the people I've never even met:

I'm just a girl, trying to scrape by in a world where happiness is determined by what you have, not who you are. I just want to be happy, by being myself. " I don't need a whole lot of money, I don't need a brand new car..." I just want to be myself, and exist, you know... the way I have been. But no, everything is changing. For the better, for the worse, and for the unexpected. I know something good will come out of this, but how long will that take? When will it happen? It's almost depressing, but there's nothing I can do about it. I guess no matter where I go and who I'm with, I'll survive. I've come to accept that. You'll see me again, I can guarantee it, can't get rid of me that easy. I'm OK with this, perhaps it may be hard for some of you to accept, but if I can you can too.

So remember this girl as a girl who lived in the moment, and went with it. She'll be around, and pop up at unexpected moments, but as of this summer she is gone, and yes you'll see her again I'm sure. Be it she never leaves, or she goes far away, she'll be here.

I love you all very very much and no matter where I go I will ALWAYS remember you.

I love you.

Keep in touch.


Anonymous said...

I love you. I'll miss you. I dont want you to go. But it's not my choice.
I'm sorry for for all the mean things I'v said to you. The truth is, your a great persone, everyone who matters love you and thinks you a great persone. Everyone else can go fall off a cliff.
I'll never forget you and all the good times we've had together (and the bad)
Your stubborn, presistant anoying and loveble. Your a true fighter, you'll go places and probable bring a whole lot of trouble with you, but you'll make it.
Send letters, call, e-mail do anything to stay in touch, I'll do the same.
We'll see each other someday soon I promis. I hate you see you go and i want you to stay but everyone has a path they follow and this is yours. I love you and I always will.
Forever and always, Amanda

StephJP said...

Hey hun,

I've missed you all along. When we're apart, I miss the laughter, the tears, the everything that makes me smile. You are my everything. And you'll never truly be gone, because you're always in my mind, in my heart, in my soul and especially in my past. No matter how far you go, how long you take, you're never gone. Ever.

As long as I know you, and as long as I know you remember me, happiness is following. I may cry from the memory, but it won't be from a loss. It'll be from the wonderful memories we've created, and the world should be jealous of what we've achieved together.

I can't wait for the next time to see you. It's maddening we can't see each other before you leave Calgary, but that's just the way things are. And I can just look forward to next time, cause there will always be one. No matter what.

*Don't let anybody get in your way. You're on fire, babe, don't let them burn you out.

*Though the present may not look so great, look forwards. There'll always be something there, even if you can't see it very clearly.

*No matter where you go, you'll have friends. Don't be afraid to say hi once in a while. Even if we have to resort back to emails, I don't care. As long as I get to talk to you again.

I refuse to say good bye, because it's just doesn't feel right. So instead,

TTFN (tata for now)


The one that loves you most.

Anonymous said...

Hey josi
I dont have a long winded rant for you, like everyone else

I just wanted to say I love you, and I really, REALLY dont want you to go

You are extraordinary, and I dont know what Im gonna do when you leave.

Your one of the few people who has made me cry.

and as I said,

I love you


StephJP said...

Josi, keep up your blog!! I promise I'll check it if you write in it.

And, I'll write in mine. It'll be like exchanging journals.

Miss ya! <3