Monday, August 4, 2008

B.C. The Fort St. James Experience.

Oh no! There goes Tokyo, go go Godzilla! Heeee eee eeee eeeee!!!

Mood: Estatic/tired.
Music: The Circle Game - Joni Mitchell
Physical condition: Almost but not quite sunburnt.
Current thoughts: I am hungry. Really really hungry. I want berries, berries are good, I wish I could speak german. Not like it'd serve any purpose. Egads, I should make this quick.

So I'm in BC and I'm enjoying myself. The car ride was tenuous, and I can't sleep well in cars... No scratch that, I can't sleep at all. There's a lot of weird stuff going on out here. The bottom of the lake seems to be alive, kinda creepy in a sense.

Also pictures fall off the shelves "unexplicably". Suuuuure, Imma believe that.

I went to a museum today, and I nearly threw up. Of course Fort St.James is a furtrade town. Euch. I can't do it. But now I'm really really hungry.

So some more songs got written for the musical. Sooo excellent. I enjoyed it muchly.

Katie and I actually get along really well. I'm almost borderline surprised, we always just went with casual friends, but a little bonding does wonders (plus she pushed me on the giant wooden swing as if I were a 3 year old). It's been really sweet so far. Tonight we leave her grandmother's though and head to the beach, and there we shall camp. I don't think her brother is coming with us though. Kinda a good thing. I'm sure he'll be happier here.

So I miss everyone on tour, and I miss everyone in town, but there's no denying it, I'm having a blast. I think we're going for lunch soon, and then fishing. I like fishing mostly because it's over the water and just really really nice. I like being on the lake.

Well I suppose I should end post here, and get back to my vacation type idea.

I shall write more if I get the chance, or if the off notion hits me at the same time and speed as a computer.


1 comment:

StephJP said...

Morning, dearest. Seeing as I can't sleep properly anymore, I might as well do some damage on your blog, commenting-wise.

I guess we were both having trouble sleeping wherever we were going. I slept 1 hour out of 27 going to Malaysia. The way back wasn't bad, for the most part.

I have so much to tell you, I can't put it all in a comment.

I'll see you at school. I miss you!