Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Do you want to go to the seaside? I'm not trying to say that everybody wants to go. But I fell in love with the seaside.

Physical Condition: Ouch. Ouch. OUCH. My hip is dislocated. Woohoo...
Mental Condition: Confused mainly, but becoming more lucidly pensive.
Time: 10:52 pm.
Mood: Grey.
Colour: Grey.
Sky: Grey (Alright, I made that one up, but for some reason everything feels grey.)
Music: Epitaph - King Crimson.

It really has been one of those five day spans of "I'm sorry but, what the FUCK is going on in my life??!?" I've been up, down, upside down, and thrown around. I still don't know where I stand, much less if it's solid ground. It's been um, interesting at best.

School life has been pretty much same old same old. I have teachers, most of which I don't like, I have homework, most of which I don't want to do, and I have people around me, which doesn't hurt. I have decided that social studies this year is going to be terrible, as is french. I think I might be able to pull math out of my hat, only because for the time being I'm amused with it. Bio so far has actually been a blast, so no complaints there. Plus I like the teacher. That pretty much sums up school though.

Social life has been good. I miss hanging with Katie and Josh hither and dither, but I'm enjoying greatly the company I've been with lately as well.

Love life. Oh god. 'Nuff said. I don't really know what I'm doing with it. I think I'm coming closer to a decision though. I'm going to give it... Maybe another week or two though just to be sure. Am I too cautious? Who knows.

Life on the inside has been revealing. I know have fully identified my illogical logic circle complex. Now I just need to approach it and disable it. That'll take time, but at least I know what it is, and what must be done. It's nice to know small things about yourself from time to time.

Anyways, that's just a brief update on my life as Joi Grey in the real world.

Sometimes I really wonder how real it all is.

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