Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Man Packing

Well, let us see, where to start? Man packing....I bet you're all wondering what "Man Packing" is. I shall start off by saying that "Man Packing" and "Packing Men" are two completely different things. "Packing Men", would be like me putting men into a bag and taking them to band camp with me...which would be scarring for both parties. Now to explain "Man Packing"...

It all starts over dinner, I was out with a friend and like....13 of her friends cause she's leaving for 3 months on an exchange trip to France. Needless to say I am jealous. So somehow I end up on the opposite side of the table sitting next to her boyfriend, (awkward....a little). When we get into a conversation about random things we should be doing, but aren't. And then it dawns on me...I'm leaving tomorrow for jazz band camp...and I have yet to pack. So I voice this realisation, and his advice to me, "Man Pack" (In an English accent). Then I question..."What the hell is 'man packing?'"... and he says.... "OK you know all that rubbish lying all over your floor?" (me: *nods*) "Well to 'man pack' you have to take as much of that rubbish as you can, don't look at it, and shove it in a bag...this will only take ten minutes and you're 100% packed." Then I ask.... "Well how do you know if you have everything?" As an answer I simply get "You don't." Well I get home at nine....look at the clock, then look at my homework, and I came to a conclusion...."Man Packing," Looks like an open option... Well let me tell you. 10 minutes later I was almost 100% packed, no folding and 50% of the stuff was off my floor. But I decided to not be totally gross...so I did a little laundry. But yeah when in a hurry.... "Man Packing" is the way to go!

Anyways, I'm leaving for band camp in the morning... so I won't be back until Friday. I hope I'm not too terribly missed cause well, I know I'm not but it's nice to think that there are people out there who care if you're around or not. Talk to you when I get back.....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yeah, I'm pissed.

About what I have no idea, which just pisses me off even more. Emotions are too damn complex, I don't even know what I'm mad at, which is confusing and frustrating...which pisses me off even more. I'm mad at one of my friends right now (no names mentioned, but if you read this I hope you know who you are). I don't understand how he can be so nice, and then his ego takes over and just masks the niceness I thought I saw in him. And then he turns into an asshole, and starts insulting people, and annoying the hell out of everyone. He's an egomaniac with a bad sense of humor, who enjoys insulting other people just so he can get a cheap laugh from people who think he's mean, and then go and empathize with the injured. If there was a way to get through to him without injuring his precious ego and self worth I'd totally tell him what I think. But for some reason I don't want him to be pissed at me, although I think I'm really pushing it. But at the moment I'm all for driving him into the ground with my wrath, and shattering his pride into a million pieces. I'm not going to elaborate any farther. Well this is for you, fuckhead.


Push me down
Insult my name
I don’t care
I hate your game

Fuck your incompetence,
your over exaggerated ego
Why do I even bother?
Honestly I don’t know.

Make me boil over
I give up everything
Insignificant as I may be
I deserve understanding

The system is screwed
Destroying our minds
With its head up its ass
Nothing it finds

Why do you follow it?
You’re such a square
Your life has no meaning
For you I don’t care

When all's said and done
Nothing will have changed
You’ll still be an asshole
And I’ll still feel deranged

Go on, call me a bitch
Yeah, I know that’s what you think
I’m sick of being pushed around
I’m well over the brink

Now that you’ve been told
Leave me in peace
I’m done with your masquerade
Get out of my face!

Well good job asshole. You made me mad. And that I must say is an accomplishment considering I'm a very mild tempered person. Congratulations, you're going to die.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Well, once again another productive FLA class, but then again those are always productive. While we pretend to read our books Steph (Who currrently sits on the other side of the room), is making faces at Amanda therefore Amanda is already giggling......when I get the most amazing idea ever... And so it became. The Raflongky was born. The Raflongky is a mystical creature that is created after many generations of cross- breeding falcons, rabbits, donkeys and dragons. It also has mysical pastery powers; and can summon any type of pastery at it's will. Lol Amanda couldn't stop giggling....especially when I decided to draw it.
Well that's not a very clear image (yes I'm still attempting to understand how to work this scanner/photo editing program) But you get the idea. French class strikes again!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ok you should have seen this coming... commenting like that.... sheesh. Ok what can I say about Stephanie... hmmmm there's some really embarassing things that I could say but I fear for my life cause first of all, she knows things about me equally embarassing and ummm yeah in a way I fear for my life cause she knows where I live and would find the nearest spork and hunt me down like the wild animal I am lol. Ok about Steph....


Stephanie Jessica Pan
Born December 4th 1992
5'2 feet tall
14 years old (in case you can't add from the above date)
grade nine (once again a given)
goes to Bishop Pinkham
Taken french immersion for the past 3 years
Lives in a city
Of asian heritage
Family lives in Toronto
ummm would say her address and phone number but fear for my life tells me it's better not to enclose that information.....
86% average (I think. This hasn't been verifyed for a while)
Brown eyes
Black straight hair.
Braces (which get taken off in February and right now have horrid elastics)
Thin frame
LOUD voice (all the time)
Size 12/14/0 pants (depending where you buy them)
Size small shirt
Bra size... another thing I maybe shouldn't enclose
Right handed
ummm at the moment I can't think of too much more....please add a comment if theres something i missed lol.

Nicknames: she doesn't have many... Stephie Pants is one I guess...and Triangle works too I think.

Likes: Playing clarinet, playing piano (admit it, on some level you do), attempting tenor sax (not to insult you or anything), The Beatles, Classic rock, Jazz, Ballet, Tap dancing, msn (you are on all the time), sinning * I meant singing but sinning works too* Making dirty comments *does that count as sinning?* ummm sadly enough math, making whip noises, eating oranges with her elastics in (for her braces)...ew, Jazz band, concert band, laughing at me, insulting me on as many levels as possible everyday,chocolate, sneaking downstairs to use the computer after midnight, eating chocolate and drinking orange juice at 1:30am, writing songs about Spanky Pants and Eddie Baby (coincedentally the same person) writing poems, writing stories, Waking up in the middle of the night to do these activities, going to the playground in the dark barefooted and swinging in the rain (lol remember? That was fun), BANDCAMP!!!!, ummm theres more but I'm too lazy to continue.

Dislikes: Me. Lol jk. Ummm, her braces, dead kittens, singing off key, falling down while skating, horses (allergy), Math teacher, losing her keys, bad report cards, homework, playing on broken reeds, Cantus Jubliante, being made fun of, being insulted, social dance, being kicked in the ass, being corrected, admitting she's wrong, tests.... pretty average but I can't think of more right now cause I'm far too lazy.

There are you happy Steph? I mentioned you.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Monster In My Closet

There’s a monster that lives in my closet.
But no one believes when I say,
“There’s a monster that lives in my closet,”
And I tell you he wants to stay.

He has big bright blue bumps beside his nose,
And merciless teeth that are knives.
He has green fur from his head to his toes,
And pointed claws used to take lives.

Oh how I wish that he would go away,
And leave me alone forever.
But when I asked him nicely he said “Nay,”
with a small grin, sly and clever.

I told my father to get rid of him,
But he told me there aren’t such things
“They only live in a land we call Whim,”
said he in his loud voice that rings.

I cried alone for a year and three days,
When finally came a thought.
I’d talk to the beast, to see why he stays,
And a sad answer is all that I got.

“There’s no way I can leave,” said he to me,
As Splash went his tears on the floor,
“I just want a friend,” he said with a plea,
I knew I wasn’t afraid anymore.

I felt sorry for him, he was so sad,
I bet that you know what I did,
I ran back downstairs, back down to my dad,
And told him what the monster did.

But my dad didn’t listen to my tale,
So I returned to the closet.
And told the monster to stay for awhile,
And his tears stopped as if by faucet.

He perked up fast, like a jack-in-the-box,
When I told him we could be friends.
And we played with puppets, made of socks,
And that’s how the story ends.

Because the monster lives in my closet,
Really what I’m saying is true.
The monster is living in my closet,
And I love him, I really do.

Yes, I'm struck at school....ew... but I randomly found this peice of writing from last year when we did poetry, and yeah it brought back some memories lol. I thoguht I should post it here though cause it's a happy poem, from a less depressing time... and if I remember correctly it took me hours....hours to write cause it had to be a certain length with a certain rhythm and had to have all the simple elements (onomatapiea, similie, metaphor...etc). And it had to tell a story...I hated this assignment but was pleased with the finished product. Ok yes I'm rambling but honestly would you rather be writing a french report on racism? It's so cruel and discusting how a lot of people treat their fellow man.... I mean It's just sick, who would do stuff like that to another human being? Ok I should end this now before my french teacher comes and notices that I'm not looking up the KKK. (Sick perverted bastards)

Friday, January 5, 2007

Short Attention Span

The average attention span is 90 minutes...according to Hollywood so I've decided to keep this edition of what I'm thinking at work to a bare minimum. Cause there are a few of you (not mentioning any names *cough* that would have taken more than 90 minutes to read it.... *coughamandacough*) I've taken out almost everything so this is going to sound more than random I'm afraid...

  • I wasn't eating tea bags, I was eating tea.
  • Random coughing fits suck.
  • Oh no! The little blue men found me!
  • Once a man, not always a man.
  • Chocolate! Need I say anymore?
  • Ew. Chocolate.
  • Curse you vile throat!
  • It's sad, I burnt myself on a spoon.
  • Ew.
  • There's a tack in my hair...
  • Why does the moon appear to change colours?
  • One hour five minutes!
  • Twilight approaches.
  • "Olde Inglishe" I love that spelling. It's irritating yet somehow satisfying.
  • Custom massage.
  • DIRTY!
  • This is the first person I've ever wanted to kill who plays sax...Well not the first person...*cough*.... You know who you are.
  • Reading Korean is hard.
  • (Above) A sentence worthy of Steph.
  • Salty tea...ew.
  • Vous êtes en retard.
  • Late.
  • Not retarded.
  • The bottom of my page nears.
  • I want cake.
  • I meant cough drop.
  • SPARKLY!!!
  • Upside down tower...
  • Negative ions = good?
  • AHHH!!! It touched me!
  • There's popcorn stuck under my tongue...
  • Organic popcorn at that.
  • Oh no! Carol of the Bells!!!! *Dies*

Well for you ADD people I hope that was short enough... cause if it wasn't you need to see a doctor. NOW!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

(Yet To Be Titled)

Ok, so I need to put a song here right? Well I confess.... I'm stuck and damn it! It bugs me so. So I'll put it out here, in hopes that someone will be able to help me with my problem... It's wrtten for guitar but I only have the basic chords down so far and well I haven't gotten far with the lyrics.

C--------------------------------- Am
Was it just a dream or did you tell me
I'm never gonna be the same
Won't ever have a name again
I'm just going to fade away
Away into the misty morn
Gonna be once reborn
----------------------G------ Em
To a place I'd forgotten exists

Ok so that's all I've got (other than writers block.... plenty of that) So if anyone has tips.... Words, ideas anything. I'm stuck and you're thoughts are appreaciated so please comment it would mean a lot to me.

Freaky Music quiz.... yes I'm putting it here too.

I know! Everyone has seen this. So why do I insist on putting it here? Because I feel like it. And if I feel like it that's what I'm going to do..... So..... THERE!!!! Take the cruel world!

1. How am I feeling today? Ocean ~ Led Zepplin... ummm im feeling...blue? I don't know... I don't feel blue

2. Will I get far in life? Horse with no name ~ America... well this song is about a heroin trip.... hmmm thats ominious...

3. How do my friends see me? Bad Moon Rising~ Creedance Clearwater Revival... trouble? I should hope not I don't think I'm trouble

4. What is my best friend's theme song? Jesus' Brother Bob~ Arrogant Worms.... ok this is getting creepy... I bet she'll like this. Steph...lmao

5. What is the story of my life? We Can Work it out ~ The Beatles.... I hope so.

6. What was high school like? American Woman ~ The Guess Who... hmmm rebellious? I'm not sure what to make of that.

7. How can I get ahead in life? People are Strange ~ The Doors.... Is this a hint, or do I have to be strange to get ahead?

8. What is the best thing about me? You can't Always Get What You want ~ The Rolling Stones... o...k... hmmm well i knew that already

9. What was today like? The Wicker Man ~ Iron Maiden... This would mean destructive listen to the lyrics you'd see what I mean... *you watch the world exploding every single night* Hmmm I don't think it was THAT bad.

10. What is in store for this weekend? Teenage Wasteland~ The Who... Oh my.... just from the title I can tell it's going to be wild lmao jk

11. What song describes my parents? Lying Eyes~ The Eagles... Ok I could see that... I don't trust them anyways.

12. How is my life going? Love Her Madly~ The Doors... OMG! That's all I'm going to say to that... creepy *shudders*

13. What song will they play at my funeral? Ride My See-Saw ~ Moody Blues... YAY Something Philisophical! Now I know my life won't be wasted!

14. How does the world see me? Heart Of Gold~ Neil Young... Ok I knew I was niceish....but I never thought lmao.

15. Will I have a happy life? London's Calling~ The Clash... YAY I'M GOING TO LONDON!!!! I wish.... While I'm there can I take a day in Liverpool?

16. What do my friends really think of me? Give a Little Bit~ Supertramp.... Hmmm they want me to "Give a little bit, Give a little bit of your love to me".... I'll try!lmao!

17. Do people secretly lust after me? Rainbow Demon~ Uriah Heep.... This song sounds sneaky, well the beginning... with like hidden danger...OMG you should hear this song! *quotes* "There rides the rainbow demon on his horse of crimson fire.Black shadows are following closely on the heels of his desire." CREEPY!

18. How can I make myself happy? Blackbird~ The Beatles... Well I gotta be free... That makes tons of sense... Cause Freedom makes me happy

19. What should I do with my life? Shine On You Crazy Diamond~ Pink Floyd... Will Do!

20. Will I ever have children? I'm Burning For You ~ Blue Oyster Cult...Ummm.... I'm not too sure what to make out of this one...

21. What will you name them? Get Back~ The Beatles.... Ummm from this i shall assume "Jojo and Loretta" cause umm yeah thats the ppl in the song... thats ummm interesting....

22. Who will you marry? Ordinary Average Guy~ Joe Walsh...Ok I've got to stop getting things like this... it's more than creepy... it's weird... But um yeah title says it all I guess.

23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? The Story In your Eyes~ The Moody Blues... Ummm will he like this song? I don't think I have one anyways, cause I'd know if i did lmao... Will he see the story in my eyes... and what is this story about, I'd read my eyes but it would be backwards in the mirrior.

24. How will you die? Free Falling ~ Tom Petty... Damnit I've always hated this song! Now I have even more reason to do so... I always thought car crash lol