Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ok you should have seen this coming... commenting like that.... sheesh. Ok what can I say about Stephanie... hmmmm there's some really embarassing things that I could say but I fear for my life cause first of all, she knows things about me equally embarassing and ummm yeah in a way I fear for my life cause she knows where I live and would find the nearest spork and hunt me down like the wild animal I am lol. Ok about Steph....


Stephanie Jessica Pan
Born December 4th 1992
5'2 feet tall
14 years old (in case you can't add from the above date)
grade nine (once again a given)
goes to Bishop Pinkham
Taken french immersion for the past 3 years
Lives in a city
Of asian heritage
Family lives in Toronto
ummm would say her address and phone number but fear for my life tells me it's better not to enclose that information.....
86% average (I think. This hasn't been verifyed for a while)
Brown eyes
Black straight hair.
Braces (which get taken off in February and right now have horrid elastics)
Thin frame
LOUD voice (all the time)
Size 12/14/0 pants (depending where you buy them)
Size small shirt
Bra size... another thing I maybe shouldn't enclose
Right handed
ummm at the moment I can't think of too much more....please add a comment if theres something i missed lol.

Nicknames: she doesn't have many... Stephie Pants is one I guess...and Triangle works too I think.

Likes: Playing clarinet, playing piano (admit it, on some level you do), attempting tenor sax (not to insult you or anything), The Beatles, Classic rock, Jazz, Ballet, Tap dancing, msn (you are on all the time), sinning * I meant singing but sinning works too* Making dirty comments *does that count as sinning?* ummm sadly enough math, making whip noises, eating oranges with her elastics in (for her braces)...ew, Jazz band, concert band, laughing at me, insulting me on as many levels as possible everyday,chocolate, sneaking downstairs to use the computer after midnight, eating chocolate and drinking orange juice at 1:30am, writing songs about Spanky Pants and Eddie Baby (coincedentally the same person) writing poems, writing stories, Waking up in the middle of the night to do these activities, going to the playground in the dark barefooted and swinging in the rain (lol remember? That was fun), BANDCAMP!!!!, ummm theres more but I'm too lazy to continue.

Dislikes: Me. Lol jk. Ummm, her braces, dead kittens, singing off key, falling down while skating, horses (allergy), Math teacher, losing her keys, bad report cards, homework, playing on broken reeds, Cantus Jubliante, being made fun of, being insulted, social dance, being kicked in the ass, being corrected, admitting she's wrong, tests.... pretty average but I can't think of more right now cause I'm far too lazy.

There are you happy Steph? I mentioned you.


StephJP said...

Holy fucking god. You are my hero.

(that's why you wanted to know how tall I was...)

I laughed my ass off...seriously. And everything's so true in it. I love it. I shall print it off and put it on my locker, and love it forever. Maybe build a shrine and light candles around it every day.

StephJP said...

And yes, I do remember the little episode in the park *wink* lol