Friday, January 5, 2007

Short Attention Span

The average attention span is 90 minutes...according to Hollywood so I've decided to keep this edition of what I'm thinking at work to a bare minimum. Cause there are a few of you (not mentioning any names *cough* that would have taken more than 90 minutes to read it.... *coughamandacough*) I've taken out almost everything so this is going to sound more than random I'm afraid...

  • I wasn't eating tea bags, I was eating tea.
  • Random coughing fits suck.
  • Oh no! The little blue men found me!
  • Once a man, not always a man.
  • Chocolate! Need I say anymore?
  • Ew. Chocolate.
  • Curse you vile throat!
  • It's sad, I burnt myself on a spoon.
  • Ew.
  • There's a tack in my hair...
  • Why does the moon appear to change colours?
  • One hour five minutes!
  • Twilight approaches.
  • "Olde Inglishe" I love that spelling. It's irritating yet somehow satisfying.
  • Custom massage.
  • DIRTY!
  • This is the first person I've ever wanted to kill who plays sax...Well not the first person...*cough*.... You know who you are.
  • Reading Korean is hard.
  • (Above) A sentence worthy of Steph.
  • Salty tea...ew.
  • Vous êtes en retard.
  • Late.
  • Not retarded.
  • The bottom of my page nears.
  • I want cake.
  • I meant cough drop.
  • SPARKLY!!!
  • Upside down tower...
  • Negative ions = good?
  • AHHH!!! It touched me!
  • There's popcorn stuck under my tongue...
  • Organic popcorn at that.
  • Oh no! Carol of the Bells!!!! *Dies*

Well for you ADD people I hope that was short enough... cause if it wasn't you need to see a doctor. NOW!


Anonymous said...

i hate u Josi
ps i'm NOT, i repeat NOT slow.

Joi Grey said...

...Then why did you comment "anonymous" and then put your name in there? LOL.

Kim said...

nice, guys. I very much enjoyed the summarized version, although some parts do beg explanation.

Joi Grey said...

yes but your attention span statisitically won't last over 90 min.... soo... i can't do it here then.

*~ThisWay...~* said...


well, I have a mild case of ADHD and i made it through... very creative!:D

luvs yas!


*~ThisWay...~* said...


well, I have a mild case of ADHD and i made it through... very creative!:D

luvs yas!


*~ThisWay...~* said...

wow, sorry, i put two of the same on there! lol

c ya!


StephJP said...

Yusssss! I am finally mentioned on your blog! Huzzah! *throws hat in air*

And the first little blurb was with me, too.

Mmmmm...teabags. (not with braces, though)

Joi Grey said...

I don't have braces so I have a total of nothing to worry about and I'll eat tea bags 'till my hearts content lol... EW. I don't think tea bags taste that great... ( i accidentally ate one once :) lol) It was raspberrry flavored! I guess you must be jealous of amanda for being mentioned on my blogs so I'll mention you more... lol *grins mischevously*