Friday, February 9, 2007

Been Tied Up

That sounds kinky doesn't it? Ok anyways. Lately I haven't exactly been around to post things, not that there's too many people who read what I write. Between jazz camp (being the loser I am), 15 hours of homework that Saturday, skiing with Amanda, going out to lunch with my grandma, doing 8 more consecutive hours of homework, going to school Monday and feeling lost cause I missed so much, doing more homework to try to catch up, waking up and doing the same thing on Tuesday, Wednesday's misadventure (see Steph's blog for details), and last night's rehersal. I've had no time to myself. As I type this I can't help but think. "I should be doing homework". Yet somehow I stay here, cause yeah I need some time to myself... Where I'm not furiously trying to do calculations in my head, or memorizing scientific terms (cause I'm too lazy to learn how to do it, I'll just memorize the pictures, and answers... I seem to get by just fine like that). So yeah tons of stuff like that. Got report card today. On a completly different topic I also got a huge lecture from my dad. Was that unrelated, I think not. It starts. " Your school nurse just called". I think... riiiiight. So he goes off into this contreversial spiel as to how innoculations are bad, and how there's different risks and crap like that. Then he askes the ever present question. "How was school?" At this question I almost burst out laughing. I hate my school. I actually hate it, but I mean there's nothing I can do about that. So I exisist there for the sole purpose of band. The one class I live for. Well that and English. Anyways I mutter something incomprehensible and then state. "Oh and I got my report card." Then the real lecture began. He takes a look and sighs. "When are you going to get it right?" Now OK. I went down 1%. That's it! Everyone goes down second term! Why should I be an exception? And I mean seriously 1%!!!!! What is that?!?! ( Iwent from 88% to 87% he should be proud). But no, he starts going on about how I have no direction and how I should quit everything including french and just work on school. And then he wants to know what I plan on doing with my life. Meanwhile I can't help but think... umm how the hell should I know? I have pleanty of time to decide. So as I'm getting the 3rd degree from my dad I think of something. Just ignore everything that he says. So just to spite him, I'm going to audition for a part in our school play. And I'll probably get it too. Like last year. Then I'll have a nervous break down. Like last year. I'm looking forewards to this! Anyways I shouldn't write anymore. My dad is still on my case, and wants me to get some dinner and get my homework done *gags*


Sofy =0 said...

Oh God, you should be proud....doing so much homework!!!!! =0
Ad you're right, everyone goes down in the second term, except when it comes to me, I go down by 10%.
You deserve a nicer dad. XD

Good luck with the play. =]

StephJP said...

Hey, I'm proud of you. I just didn't do any of the hw lol...And I really hate Ms. Greenway. Ewwwwww.

It's a wonder I did better than you on my report card thingy. Ha, too bad my head's already on your mantle piece...

P.S. Fix your stupid spelling. It's driving me nuts. Exisist? You have been distracted, earthling. (Did you fill out your shots form?)

StephJP said...

AHHH...AHHHHHH...*flaps hands wildly around in odd swinging motions* AHHHHHHHHHHH...

Where did David's blog go? All those comments...the time I put into them?

All those random bursts of singing, the odd insult, WHERE?! WHY?!


Joi Grey said...

It's being gay again. It does that sometimes I think... either that or its changed addresses...cause I found it at
notice the "a" at the end of "yesterdays" I don't get it personally

StephJP said...

Yeah, I JUST changed that.

Strange little boy he is :S