Tuesday, February 13, 2007

hehe BOO!!! sneak, Sneak, SNEAK!!!

BANANA PHONE!!!! *Pulls out real live banana phone* You can't be serious! No way! So you had to ask why the dolphins ate your cookie didn't you? You couldn't just let the gnomes get away in your shorts, no you had to ask. Well the answer to that is, the ants got it. You heard me. Ants. Ants in blue and white polka dotted pants, living in plants. Yeah plants. So when the cotton plantations fall from the sky and land in the ocean the world will decide to leave and go on vacation in Hawaii. Then it will change its mind because Hawaii is too expensive and will decide to self implode. So suddenly crackers will become less salty and ketchup shall resume it's regular form of blood dripping from a...I wonder if they have forks on the moon. And if colour isn't more than an illusion played to us through rays of "white light." Haile be thou, quene of maidyns mo! Hit wax gret as odur do!

Why am i rambling on in a confused state? Well I may let you in on a secret. I HAVEN'T ANY HOMEWORK!!!! Therefore I'm ecstatic!!! I haven't had a night of just sitting around in 3 months...maybe longer. Sure you may think I'd be bored. But in reality I'm not. I'm so occupied with my many pastimes (take that people who say I have no life!) That being bored is next to impossible! So why am I writing this? Cause guess what this is one of my fantastical pastimes! Oh yes, you are all jealous.

'Tis 'tthe 'tbest 'tday 'tin 'ta 'tlong 'ttime!!! YAY the pansies have chased that overgrown mirror away and it hath shattered upon thine teacup! Dunananana BATMAN nananananananana ROBIN!!! I mean BATMAN!!!! *sings* There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold *stops singing* Well someone has been sorely mislead. Have you ever seen water glitter in the sunlight? That is not gold, cause when you try to bite it you won't end doing anything other than hurting your jaw and drowning yourself in the process. If I were a camel I'd live in the post office. So if you ever see a camel hiding in your mailbox give him my regards.

OK I'm done now. I really want to get back to playing my guitar.... I LOVE YOU MY BABY!!!


StephJP said...

Ilove you back!!! *hug*

Ha. NOOOOO SAVE THE RAINFORESTS! It's not their fault they can't procrastinate the building of OREGANO!!!


StephJP said...

My goodness, was the valentines dance ever fun. Lol. Too bad we weren't allowed to go to our lockers.

Good times, good times. 'Twill always be in my mind. <-- A total lie...

StephJP said...

Dammit. You know how I snuck downstairs to talk to you last night? Wellio, my mom found me, and now msn is blocked on my computer.

(Life sucks so bad.) And it's right after my one week challenge too.


Joi Grey said...

Wow!!! Like absolutly NO msn ever? Well ummm that sucks? What are you going to do about that? You're screwed.

StephJP said...

:( I know. I don't know how long they're taking it away from me, but my insides are already starting to deteriorate. Not a good sign. It's almost been 2 weeks straight without msn. Almost...

I suppose I can always go on webmessenger. And I still have my blog! *hug*

Joi Grey said...

Well I wish thee luck m'dear.

StephJP said...

Thanks. Trust me, I'll need it big time.

I haven't done my homework...