Sunday, March 4, 2007


Well, the past few weeks have been a wild ride. Hectic, almost. Extreme highs, and rock bottoms within the course of two weeks can leave oneself exhausted. I mean honestly the trauma is insane. I suppose it all started Tuesday the 20th of February.

On Tuesday I attended an early morning rehearsal for jazz, which went swimmingly, the next day our jazz band competed in festival which we just found out we won a gold award. Yay. The next day was a Thursday, where I had an early morning rehearsal for concert band which went less swimmingly as hoped, and a rehearsal in the evening for CRUB, which was fantastic as usual.

Friday there was no school but I had to go anyways cause our concert band was competing in Festival, we haven't got the results yet, but I doubt that we did as good as jazz, and then yet another CRUB rehearsal in the evening, where we started blocking our show.

Saturday was interesting. I have an evil chart (I'm going to say #3 but it could be #2) I hate sliding. It's evil. Blocking is loads of fun, even if people *cough David cough* are running into you and you're missing steps and whatnot. I have discovered the guys at band can be cruel. My knees are terrible, that I have also deduced. Saturday left me exhausted, and Sunday was pretty much the same, with a little less marching...and less marching space, thus forth resulting me walking into a window, lovely. Sunday evening I tried downhill skiing for the first time. Steph was scarred for life, I on the other hand had a great time...almost killed myself (scarring Steph) but still I will never forget that day.

Monday pissed me off, because we got our High School forms. I hate myself for my choices but that's OK. I think I'll live. I have decided to do partial IB French immersion Fine Arts. Yes I know, ambitious. At the time though I freaked, and completely snapped into a rut of depression, because of WAY too much stress (I was already on overload, and then that happened). Tuesday and Wednesday are a blur, I remember nothing outside of my thoughts of confusion, and too much pain Tylenol, therefore I remember NOTHING that happened those two days, except that somewhere in there our school band got two new pieces of music, both of which are gay... cause it's concert band, and tenor sax doesn't get parts in concert band lol. Thursday was another CRUB rehearsal, blue night, I was very blue, only on the outside cause by then I was feeling a bit better about everything. That night in a very calm manner I decided my high school courses once and for all. Friday was gay as hell. End of sentence.

Saturday was interesting well the evening half. I was at home all day until about 6:30pm, then I attended a dance. Normally I hate dances but this one wasn't so bad, so I shan't complain. I was pretty optimistic when all was said and done.

Which brings us to today. After sleeping 4 hours and getting kicked out of bed, I went out to the country. I had a lovely walk in the valley, where it was at least +15 I swear it was just gorgeous, and then an also lovely walk up on top of the mountain. Where it was cold as hell and windy. My ears kept popping, it was pleasant. The view was amazing, my kingdom for a camera. But alas, no, just an image burned into my skull. Somewhere in these few hours I managed to sprain my ankle... again. This is time #3 for this ankle. I don't think it can handle the abuse anymore. It's going to get up and go on strike. 3 times in a year. That's sad. So yes I am now in pain, tired, and in need of ice, oh well. It'll be better in a weekish so I hope. Anyways I thought I'd update my life cause I had a few spare moments. I now have to go to sleep because I have to get up in the morning bright and early for a jazz rehearsal. YAY NEW MUSIC. I hope there's another tenor solo *crosses fingers* Meh even if there isn't I'm still excited, wow I live for band.

Good night!


StephJP said...

You suck. Piano never gets solos. Well, I got that one solo at the end of Smooth as Silk for, what, 2 and a half beats? Wowwie. That's gonna blow 'em away. (Josi, just don't even think about it). I so wish I could have gone to that dance, but noooo. I'm not in crub, so until next year, I'll have to wait. Waiting sucks. I'm really bad at it, except when it comes to homework. That's definitely an exception, and I can wait as long as forever. Speaking of homework, I better get back to my FLA project. I was looking at my agenda, and I've calculated less than a week for this idiotic project to somehow get finished. Damn!

J.T.Iles said...

"Saturday was interesting well the evening half. I was at home all day until about 6:30pm, then I attended a dance. Normally I hate dances but this one wasn't so bad, so I shan't complain. I was pretty optimistic when all was said and done.

well, we danced

so it wasint that bad


Joi Grey said...

Yeah it could have been like, us as loners in the corner, being retarded and not having fun which would have been gay. So yeah I had a good time lol. Found a way to make the best of it... and no tenor solo. I was a little depressed, but theres a chance for an "open solo" in one of the two new songs we have. So I might try out for it or something...or just wait 'till we get the rest of our music and see. I hate our disfunctional saxophone section at school!!! FUCK it's GAY as hell. Don't even know how to play a D? What is this? I showed him 3 times!!! Gah that's so PATHETIC!!! Ok done ranting about the retarded altos in my section at school, thinking of going to bed. Ok well night!!!

StephJP said...

The altos stink. Especially Littel. He's just retarded. Justin's ok, but too quiet and hasn't got the guts to play his own solo right.

My fingers smell of camomile and vanilla. Because of tea. Don't ask.