Monday, June 4, 2007

Mad World

OK. Fashion images make me sick. Look at the world today!! Honestly! What is this? Why are our ideals of beauty so distorted?! It's the fucking media. Why the hell do we have to look like a model to even be "half decent". There was a time young girls didn't have to worry about make up, jewelry, or slutty outfits. They could just be kids and no one would discriminate them for being like that. This world makes me want to throw up... Which brings me to another topic.

Ugh. Diet pills, anorexia, bulimia, corsets... fuck. This is so gross. Why? If you're fat and don't want to be fat, get your lazy ass off the couch and eat some veggies while taking your dog for a walk or something. If you're fat and are perfectly comfortable with being so, then stay that way. NO ONE should be able to tell you what you should look like. That is up to you. Not everyone else.

Now this portion is for the 11 year old strippers I see everyday near the elementrys. YOU ARE 11 YEARS OLD. You don't need to sell your body to make boys like you. Give them a smile and go play soccer with them, get dirty, be a kid. Take off the fake boobs and wear a fucking T- shirt and some runners. Live life while you can, because honestly it passes by WAY too fast.

When did the obsession of large boobs and tight underwear start? There was a time when Pam Anderson's boobs would have driven away every man within a 20 mile radius. They weren't considered beautiful then, and in my opinion they sure as hell are NOT beautiful now. THAT'S GROSS. WHY WOULD YOU WILLINGLY PUT PLASTIC INTO YOUR BODY?!?!?! I hope it rots. That would be a riot.
It's not like this just for women either though. Men have it rough too. When did us girls get it in our heads that we want muscle headed jocks who think with the brains below their belts? Guys don't need to be extremely muscular to be worth anything. I mean, just use the brain (in your heads) and perhaps you'd be better off. That's just terrible.

I don't think I'll waste anymore time ranting on this topic. Cause yeah, I could go on for DAYS. I'll just leave you all with some images and tag lines that I think should go along with them.

I'd like to call this one "Fashion Hurts" only because that's what it was tagged as on some other website I was looking at before I wrote this. I think more people should see images like this. I love the symbolism.

This one we shall call "Look At Me Now" Barbie is one of THE WORST influences on body image as far as young girls go. Well look all you like girls. Do you find that attractive? Do you want to look like that? No? Didn't think so. Well Barbie is unrealistic, I think this picture just demonstrates exactly how unrealistic it TRULY is.

The one on the left I could title. "PLEASE PASS THE 'ROIDS"
What are these people thinking?! That is just disgusting.
Just... no. Bad.
year old body
, 25 year old woman"
(On the right)
Unless you
want to get mistaken for
a child, ladies
don't do this to yourself. I
don't find ribs very good looking... and
face it... she's.
Ugh. WHY?!?!?It's so pointless!

And that concludes my rant on body image... this is the first one I've done but I see it's quite long winded, so it might have a sequel. I guess we'll see in the future. Keep you all posted.


Kim said...

please pass the hemmorhoids?? oh dear. good rant though.

StephJP said...

Very good, Josi. I'll sleep well tonight knowing you won't go anorexic on me -rolls eyes-

But you know what, I have to disagree with you on the eating disorder people. They don't have eating disorders cause they're fat, most of the time they have regular bodies but in their minds they think they're overweight. It's not that they're obese, it's their mind that's telling them that. Don't you think that anorexic/bulimic people know they're dying?

Can you imagine how sad that'd be, to know you're dying because you can't accept yourself the way you are?

Joi Grey said...

That would be incredibly sad. It's true they do have have regular bodies, but they see someone "fat" everytime they look in the mirror. Wanna know why that is?! I blame...

*drum roll*


blondebrunette said...

I dont think I could have said it better myself... but hey it saves me the typing thnx:D one of my friendish kinda people is sick in that way shes not that bad but shes getting there she tries to be my friend and i try to look at her but sometimes it just makes me sick and i cant stand it and you do have a good point about people knowing that their dying and all yes and that they werent fat to begin with yes but alot of the time its also the media who starts it then because the media gets it into their head then from that point it all goes downhill from there.