Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Man Packing

Well, let us see, where to start? Man packing....I bet you're all wondering what "Man Packing" is. I shall start off by saying that "Man Packing" and "Packing Men" are two completely different things. "Packing Men", would be like me putting men into a bag and taking them to band camp with me...which would be scarring for both parties. Now to explain "Man Packing"...

It all starts over dinner, I was out with a friend and like....13 of her friends cause she's leaving for 3 months on an exchange trip to France. Needless to say I am jealous. So somehow I end up on the opposite side of the table sitting next to her boyfriend, (awkward....a little). When we get into a conversation about random things we should be doing, but aren't. And then it dawns on me...I'm leaving tomorrow for jazz band camp...and I have yet to pack. So I voice this realisation, and his advice to me, "Man Pack" (In an English accent). Then I question..."What the hell is 'man packing?'"... and he says.... "OK you know all that rubbish lying all over your floor?" (me: *nods*) "Well to 'man pack' you have to take as much of that rubbish as you can, don't look at it, and shove it in a bag...this will only take ten minutes and you're 100% packed." Then I ask.... "Well how do you know if you have everything?" As an answer I simply get "You don't." Well I get home at nine....look at the clock, then look at my homework, and I came to a conclusion...."Man Packing," Looks like an open option... Well let me tell you. 10 minutes later I was almost 100% packed, no folding and 50% of the stuff was off my floor. But I decided to not be totally gross...so I did a little laundry. But yeah when in a hurry.... "Man Packing" is the way to go!

Anyways, I'm leaving for band camp in the morning... so I won't be back until Friday. I hope I'm not too terribly missed cause well, I know I'm not but it's nice to think that there are people out there who care if you're around or not. Talk to you when I get back.....


Kim said...

ah HA! I did read it before school, as it is now... 7:19 AM! It was a very interesting story too, although it would have been far more interesting if it was about packing some men.
Have fun at band camp! I'm very, very jealous.

StephJP said...


Woah, you did it again! Stop it, seriously.

I just said "driving me wild" and the song that I'm listening to is Killer Queen and was singing, "drive you wiiiiild, wiiiiild". Me: AHHH, SHE'S FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE!

Hope you had fun at crub. Gosh, I'd imagine quitting smoking is harder than getting me off msn. lol, I'm so tempted to just...log on and talk to every single person, regardless of their status. GAH!

Joi Grey said...

Haha no you can't do that. It's not allowed you can't go on 'till....next Wednesday? SCREWED!!! Ha time stamps are for squares anyways good night. And I you really must know it's 11:08 pm in real life nighty night!!! And yeah I'm sorry my psychic song predilections keep creeping you out. I don't know why I do that to people. Cause believe it or not. You're not the only person I do that to... Ha I scare people.

StephJP said...

...Stupid...I actually had msn open, password in and everything, and was waging a war with the 2 sides of my brain against clicking the "Sign In" button at the bottom...

Don't worry, though, I didn't click it. I just thought of the sweet victory and bragging rights awaiting me next Wednesday. Whoo hoo, here I come!

Joi Grey said...

Good luck. I bet the weekend is torturing you!