Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Well, once again another productive FLA class, but then again those are always productive. While we pretend to read our books Steph (Who currrently sits on the other side of the room), is making faces at Amanda therefore Amanda is already giggling......when I get the most amazing idea ever... And so it became. The Raflongky was born. The Raflongky is a mystical creature that is created after many generations of cross- breeding falcons, rabbits, donkeys and dragons. It also has mysical pastery powers; and can summon any type of pastery at it's will. Lol Amanda couldn't stop giggling....especially when I decided to draw it.
Well that's not a very clear image (yes I'm still attempting to understand how to work this scanner/photo editing program) But you get the idea. French class strikes again!


StephJP said...

Woah...that was a weird comment.

Haha, Amanda is so easily pulled into our corruptive tricks to get her to laugh.

*flicks tounge*

Joi Grey said...

Well I don't know about the success thing cause I mean honestly look at what I do in my spare time, a whole lot of nothing. Yeah I invent creatures lol, anyone want to buy a Raflongkey? Lol yeah I can see it now... lol poor Amanda and her slightly retarded mind....we love her though... or at least I do. Amanda you're the greatest!

StephJP said...

OMG put that stupid list up already!!! Or, actually, maybe you should wait until after band camps are over :D