Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yeah, I'm pissed.

About what I have no idea, which just pisses me off even more. Emotions are too damn complex, I don't even know what I'm mad at, which is confusing and frustrating...which pisses me off even more. I'm mad at one of my friends right now (no names mentioned, but if you read this I hope you know who you are). I don't understand how he can be so nice, and then his ego takes over and just masks the niceness I thought I saw in him. And then he turns into an asshole, and starts insulting people, and annoying the hell out of everyone. He's an egomaniac with a bad sense of humor, who enjoys insulting other people just so he can get a cheap laugh from people who think he's mean, and then go and empathize with the injured. If there was a way to get through to him without injuring his precious ego and self worth I'd totally tell him what I think. But for some reason I don't want him to be pissed at me, although I think I'm really pushing it. But at the moment I'm all for driving him into the ground with my wrath, and shattering his pride into a million pieces. I'm not going to elaborate any farther. Well this is for you, fuckhead.


Push me down
Insult my name
I don’t care
I hate your game

Fuck your incompetence,
your over exaggerated ego
Why do I even bother?
Honestly I don’t know.

Make me boil over
I give up everything
Insignificant as I may be
I deserve understanding

The system is screwed
Destroying our minds
With its head up its ass
Nothing it finds

Why do you follow it?
You’re such a square
Your life has no meaning
For you I don’t care

When all's said and done
Nothing will have changed
You’ll still be an asshole
And I’ll still feel deranged

Go on, call me a bitch
Yeah, I know that’s what you think
I’m sick of being pushed around
I’m well over the brink

Now that you’ve been told
Leave me in peace
I’m done with your masquerade
Get out of my face!

Well good job asshole. You made me mad. And that I must say is an accomplishment considering I'm a very mild tempered person. Congratulations, you're going to die.


StephJP said...

I know you're gonna kill me later, but Josi...FIX YOUR SPELLING!!! holy crap I was cringing thorughout the whole thing! I'm shuddering right now! congradulations? Why do you think it's congraTTTTTs?! Yeesh.

Anyways. I hope you had fun at band camp, and I'm so excited to see everybody on Monday!

Kim said...

subtle. but powerful. and profane at the same time. congraTTTTTTTTulations.

Joi Grey said...

Thanks for that guys. I can't spell worth a damn when I'm fuming out the ears. My poem is so angry! I just re read it and was like....Oh my, this is so....directed, I've never really directed my anger at someone before. Thats so mean.

StephJP said...

Tsk tsk tsk. You shall go home with a warning and a slap on the hand.

And btw, since there isn't a place to comment for the side thingy, i'll just put it here. You don't have a mantle. How is my head even there if it doesn't exist? Does my head exist? I don't have a head!!!!!

*runs blindly around smacking into walls*

Joi Grey said...

I'm making an invisible mantel...either that or they'll just be on pikes...right now I'm in the process of head collecting so for the moment they're sitting in a pile in the bottom of my closet collecting dust, while I think about the best way to display them...and I fixed my spelling, it's hard to spell when there's smoke coming out your makes it difficult to see.

Sofy =0 said...

I know how you feel. =(
Haha I wish I could write poetry when i'm mad...instead I just babble on about how pissed I am, what good comes out of that?

Joi Grey said...

Not too much, but it releases the tension that bulids...cause as I've discovered, if that tension isn't released...Well someone or something is going to end up maimed. The outcome from an explosion often has huge consequences....