Wednesday, January 3, 2007

(Yet To Be Titled)

Ok, so I need to put a song here right? Well I confess.... I'm stuck and damn it! It bugs me so. So I'll put it out here, in hopes that someone will be able to help me with my problem... It's wrtten for guitar but I only have the basic chords down so far and well I haven't gotten far with the lyrics.

C--------------------------------- Am
Was it just a dream or did you tell me
I'm never gonna be the same
Won't ever have a name again
I'm just going to fade away
Away into the misty morn
Gonna be once reborn
----------------------G------ Em
To a place I'd forgotten exists

Ok so that's all I've got (other than writers block.... plenty of that) So if anyone has tips.... Words, ideas anything. I'm stuck and you're thoughts are appreaciated so please comment it would mean a lot to me.


Kim said...

The G Em thing comes as a total surprise at the end, sound-wise, but I think you could make it work with some cool melody stuff.
I really like what you've got so far! I don't really know what to suggest cause I don't really know what the song's about...

Joi Grey said...

lol me neither thats the problem right there... and yeah dont worry i have something to cover the G Em thing it sounds good it just took me awhile to get it just right.... i need ideas as to what to write though.... curse you writers block

StephJP said...

What? Who? G Em?

Darn these cursed guitar chords.

Joi Grey said...

it's ok steph we love you even though you don't speak guitar... it'll pass... I'll attempt to teach you a little.