Tuesday, May 1, 2007

First day as 15.

OK here we go. It's a new month, and it's due time for another post. I don't know, I've been really down lately. Too much stress for one insignificant girl. I felt I had cracked at one point, and almost went to pieces several times that day. The only thing that kept me going was looking forewords to today. I had a fantastic day, the best in weeks. It's such a sharp contrast, to go from manically depressed to happy. Let me explain.

Today is my birthday. No I'm not happy from material gain, truth be told I haven't even got anything yet. That's not what makes me happy though, money may buy some happiness, but not me. I'm not that type of girl. I started off today on 11 hours of sleep, a very decent number for me. I don't sleep often. I took two math tests, and received 80% on both, also quite decent. Caught the bus and went down to Bowness, where I met up with my friend Nathan. We just hung out, without worrying about anything. Just simply talking playing guitar and laughing while wandering aimlessly around Bowness (which in my opinion has great scenery, I'd like to take a camera around there sometime). This is the best I've felt in weeks. And I owe it all to Nate and a few hours of fun. It is now almost ten in the evening and I haven't done any homework. Somehow I don't care, I just don't think I should do it. I have no desire to rid myself of this elation I'm feeling. I'll come crashing down soon, but for the time being...

Josi Spencer is not depressed.

And she is loving it.

(And Nate, I hope my dad didn't scare you lmao)


StephJP said...

I'm glad you had a fun b-day, ma'am.


I changed my mind, Josi. You can have your cold back. Do you have a return policy on colds?

*sneezes again*

I feel terrible.

j9‽ said...



You old fogey.