Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time To Vacuum Up The Dust Bunnies... -sniff-

Well I think this blog has definitely suffered enough neglect. I pity it. I missed it a lot. I don't think I can post to often once I'm away from Alberta, but I can try to be faithful, as I know it still has faith in me. Now that I can actually type with this keyboard without being dreadfully slow, I can type what comes to mind WHEN it comes to mind. This maketh me happy. I want to write a song... I've started one, and it's about a schizophrenic breakdown. It's kinda weird, but that's Daniel's fault. He just had to say "schizophrenia". So anyways brief breakdown of what I've been up to since I left. Not much. There all done. Oh serious? Well... I've been in town practically every weekend, finished my social studies and I think I flunked but that's another story. I no longer care about my marks too much, or how fast I do it, I'll get it done eventually. And when I'm done, it'll all work out, erm, so I like to believe. I honestly don't want to leave just yet, but being stuck in limbo is equally as lame. I think once we're out on the road I'll be a lot more interested in life. I think what this is currently, is like some sort of half life. AKA boring as hell. But enough complaints. Now to write something half enjoyable to read.

"Circle of hands, cold spirits plans, searching my land for an enemy. Came across, love's sweet cost and in the face of beauty, evil was lost."

I love that song. There's so many good things in this world when we stop looking for them. If you scrutinize everything looking for something bad you'll find something bad. I don't think that works for good things. If you search for something good, you're not going to find it. No matter HOW hard you look. I think it's when we stop searching and start living do we see the good things life has to offer. I don't want to live in a mono coloured world. Give me some pastels and paint the world how I see it. I would not paint it so that there is famine and death. I'd paint the pretty things like the apple blossoms and koi fish in the river.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the famine etc. should be ignored. I'm merely stating that if I could paint the world, it would not exist.

On a lighter note.

Fortunes of heaven and hell unite and combine in a whirlwind of satin blue and red velvet. A cry from above is recognized and the children scatter and run for cover has she swoops down upon the Valley of Evercrest.
She is tall for her kind, a half breed, a mutant of her ancestors, yet she posses a certain kind of grace that would not have been in the genetic make up of her predecessors. Her eyes are alight with a purple amethyst flame and her scales shimmer from an azure shade of blue to a fiery red, with the transition of various shades of violet in between. She has gills neatly tucked behind the crests which rise from the sides of her neck and frame her visage. She is long and lean as only one of her status can be, with slight legs which end in wicked claws a webbed feet. As she gazes around the valley she feels lonely. There are none of her kind to be found anywhere. It is as if there were any to begin with, she is the only one, there could not even be the remote possibility of another. Not in this day and age. Why would there, in fact throughout all of history only 4 of her type had been recorded, and none of them lived to be any older than 147 years at the most. She was a brazen 156 and holding. Her health was fine, it's not like she had experienced any of the defects the others had. She was in fact, perhaps the best turn out yet. Unfortunately her existence was solely for the benefit of science. The humans insisted upon her creation, and now it was to them she owed her life.
This would be the biggest problem at the time being. Loneliness is something she had always coped with, she'd gown used to it, but the humans taking her for granted was more than she could bear. She decides to run away. The world is her plaything, she'll do with it what she likes. She can live anywhere, she has the capabilities. Her name : Accalia.

There I has created a character. Now if only I could write a story. But now that I have a character in mind, I'll dream up the rest I suppose. One day...

I missed my random somewhat weird blogging.

It's good to be back.

1 comment:

StephJP said...

Finally posted on your blog!!! I'm proud of you. I've been suggesting it for, what, 3 months now?

Accalia. Reminds me of a scale. Woot.